14. Harriet Rosella "Hattie"3 HOOVER (Hiram B.2, Henry1) (#3243) was born in Paulding Co., OH 8 SEP 1888. Harriet died 9 JUL 1964 at age 75.
She married Carl FRAZEE date unknown. (Carl FRAZEE is #5531.) Carl was born 14 MAR 1885.
Harriet Rosella "Hattie" HOOVER and Carl FRAZEE had the following children:
+ 25 i. Charles4 FRAZEE.
+ 26 ii. Robert Mathias FRAZEE was born 11 JUL 1911.
+ 27 iii. Mildred Eline FRAZEE (living status unknown).
28 iv. Katherine H. FRAZEE (#5535) (living status unknown).
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