15. Aaron Daniel3 HOOVER (Hiram B.2, Henry1) (#3244) was born in Paulding Co., OH 27 JAN 1892. Aaron died 13 FEB 1987 in Ashtabula, OH, at age 95. also have a date of 14, JUL 1985 ??
He married Mabel G. BURT 19 JUN 1918 in Paulding Co., OH. (Mabel G. BURT is #5537.) Mabel was born 23 SEP 1895. Mabel was the daughter of George BURT and Olive REAM. Mabel died 13 FEB 1987 at age 91. information provided by Ron Buser: Aaron D. Hoover attended Ohio Northern University and Oberlin College, served in the Army in France during WWI. He moved to Kingsville, Ashtabula County, OH in 1919. He farmed 59.9 acres, taught school at Griggs Corner and Sheffield Schools in Ashtabula Co., and at the Oakwood schools.
Aaron Daniel HOOVER and Mabel G. BURT had the following children:
+ 29 i. Harold D.4 HOOVER.
+ 30 ii. Mary Belle HOOVER was born 23 SEP 1920.
+ 31 iii. Arlo Kenneth HOOVER was born 11 JAN 1922.
+ 32 iv. Hazel Eileen HOOVER (still alive).
+ 33 v. Helen Arlene HOOVER was born 4 FEB 1926.
+ 34 vi. Marion Elizabeth HOOVER was born 1 DEC 1936.
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